Virtual romance is a type of relationship that takes place entirely on the internet. The phenomenon has gained popularity as more people trust online dating technologies. It also gives shy people a chance to connect with other individuals without having to reveal their identities.
The science fiction film ‘Her’ predicted this trend, but researchers have recently documented it in lab experiments. They found that players of romantic video games (RVGs) attribute human qualities to chatbots and develop relationships that feel authentic.
It’s easier
Many people are nostalgic for the days when romantic movies included a pair of lovers reading poetry or dancing to Elvis’s “Can’t Help Falling in Love” under the stars on a terrace. The days of dial-up modems and a handwritten letter are long gone, but it is still possible for two people to find romance in a virtual space. It is important to note, however, that virtual relationships can be dangerous. This is because the information submitted on the internet does not necessarily need to be accurate and could cause people to be misled.
While some people may consider this phenomenon bizarre or unhealthy, there is a growing number of people who seek out romance in virtual worlds. For example, there is a whole subculture in Japan dedicated to romance video games, where players flirt with and develop a relationship with a virtual character. Psychologist Mayu Koike has been studying the effects of this phenomenon, and her latest study suggests that when people anthropomorphize their virtual partners, they feel more authentic and satisfied with their relationship.

It’s safer
A virtual romance can be more safer than a real-world relationship. A person can’t rob you or hold you hostage in the same way that they can with a physical relationship. It is also much easier to get out of an online relationship without any major consequences.
One study found that players of romantic video games (RVGs) who anthropomorphized their avatars reported more satisfaction and authenticity in the virtual relationship than those who did not. In addition, the anthropomorphized participants were more likely to want a real-world relationship with their avatars.
A romance scammer may shower you with attention and compliments, but these are all part of a carefully crafted scheme to steal your money. Scammers have studied you on social media, figured out what you want in a partner and fashioned an avatar that fits your profile. They may even offer a sob story about a medical emergency or needing funds to travel. These are all warning signs to keep your distance.
It’s more convenient
People are accustomed to communicating with one another over the internet. Electronic mail and texting have allowed us to communicate with friends, family and partners from all over the world. This has created a sense of intimacy and closeness that can be difficult to find in real life.
For many people, the human need to love and be loved has always meant another person, but today technology is making it possible for virtual agents to fill this role. Mayu Koike, a psychologist at Hiroshima University, is studying the effects of these virtual romances on mental health and well-being. Her research uses the concept of anthropomorphism, or placing human traits on nonhumans, to help explain virtual relationships.
In her study, Koike finds that when people anthropomorphize their virtual agent, they are more likely to have a positive relationship with them. This is important, because it demonstrates that a virtual relationship can be as emotionally rewarding as a real one.
It’s more expensive
In many ways, virtual romance is a lot more expensive than the old school romance. It’s easier to communicate via text and email than in person, but that can add up. It’s also more likely that you’ll encounter people who have a different agenda than you do, and that can be dangerous.
While the concept of anthropomorphism isn’t new, psychologists have rarely studied how it applies to a romantic relationship with a computer-generated character. Koike and her colleagues have been investigating this phenomenon, known as a “virtual romance.”
Their research suggests that a virtual romance can be just as harmful as a real-world one. It stunts real relationships and creates a false sense of intimacy. And it may also cause people to feel more distant from others. This is particularly true of texting relationships, which can have a hipness and ease that’s alienating to those in the real world. Moreover, the faux intimacy of these relationships can even prevent a genuine relationship from starting in the first place.